Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moving into our Comfort Zone

I must say. It's going pretty well, now. We can handle Lou without repercussions. When he starts barking like a Pyr does, I go outside and he stops before I say anything and looks at me as if to say, 'I know, no barking'.

We had him and Trickster out in the quiet side of the Farm yesterday. I left the long rope on him so he could run. And he did but he also came (sometimes he had to think about it, like a Pyr does) when called. He came more to Don more than me. That was probably due to his sterner voice. At one point (I wish I had brought my camera), Lou rolled and then Trickster rolled in the lovely grass. Lou took that as his cue to leap and play and away they went. It really is a joy to watch the two of them.

He looked at people today but no growls or leaps. He even saw the neighbour and looked but nothing. YES!! It could be, as Lynn said, the dark time is more difficult but I really think he is starting to fit in well as he becomes accustomed to his surroundings.

I'm sure we'll have a setback or two regarding the growling/leaping/snarling but I think it's going to be okay. He did snarl/growl at someone walking on the sidewalk past our house. I was on the street just coming back from our walk. Perhaps he is extremely territorial? I hope not that territorial. Or, it was just that it was dark and perhaps he's not used to being out at that time. He also hates bikes so we do have our work cut out for us. He also got upset about my nephews coming across the street to say hi. They were sad they couldn't say hello because they grew up with Clara and they love dogs. However, they are willing to work with me to desensitize him.

Don's car has no brakes I discovered coming back from taking mom shopping. That was not fun. All to say, we couldn't take the boys to the Farm today. We went for a long walk instead and they played in the yard afterwards. The photos above are taken today. It seems like we need a bigger yard but the Farm will do just fine for now.


  1. Sounds as though things are settling down very well. Time is a great healer for what ails you, especially when it is given patiently. Hooray for you and Don being such great parents: structure, discipline, love, patience and hope.

  2. Thank you for your support, MA. I know you believe in Lou. My only hope is that we can trust him with anyone one day, without worry of a bite. I know this will take time, much time but he is such a Mr. CuteyPants that he deserves time.
